2009 Music Recording Archive from St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida |
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Thursday, December 31, 2009
Feast of the Holy Name
New Year's Eve
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Jean Langlais - La Nativite from 'Poemes Evangeliques'
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'In Dulci Jubilo'
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'O Hail This Brightest Day Of Days'
Hymn - Once in royal David's city (Irby)
Bidding Prayer, Lord's Prayer, Grace
Carol - anonymous - Verbum caro
Lesson 1
Carol - Philip Ledger - Adam lay ybounden
Lesson 2
Carol - John Gardner - Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
Lesson 3
Carol - Thomas Morley - Lirum Lirum
Hymn - O little town of Bethlehem (Forest Green)
Lesson 4
Carol - arr Reginald Jacques - The Holly and the Ivy
Lesson 5
Carol - arr Reginald Jacques - Linden Tree Carol
Hymn - God rest you merry, gentlemen (God Rest You Merry)
Lesson 6
Carol - Leo Nestor - A child is born
Lesson 7
Carol - Richard R Terry - Myn Lyking
Carol - John Rutter - Christmas Night
Hymn - While shepherds watched their flocks (Winchester Old)
Lesson 8
Carol - Eric Whitacre - Lux Aurumque
Lesson 9
- O come, all ye faithful (Adeste fideles)
Nativity Collects
Hymn - Hark! The herald angels sing! (Mendelssohn)
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Chorale Prelude on 'In Dulci Jubilo'
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'From Heaven Above To Earth I Come'
Sunday, December 27, 2009
First Sunday after Christmas Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Jean Langlais - La Nativite from 'Poemes Evangeliques'
Introit - Edward C Bairstow - Jesu, the very thought of Thee
Hymn - At the Name of Jesus (King's Weston)
Hymn - Angels we have heard on high (Gloria)
Psalm - 147:13-21 Worship the Lord, O Jerusalem
Hymn - To the Name of our salvation (Oriel)
Offering - arr Reginald Jacques - The Holly and the Ivy
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sanctus - David Hurd
Communion - Healey Willan - O how sweet
Hymn - Savior, again to thy dear Name we raise (Ellers)
Hymn - The first Nowell (The first Nowell)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'In Thee Is Gladness'
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Giovanni Gabrieli - Hodie Christus Natus Est
Prelude - Tony Steve - Christmas Suite 1 for brass and percussion
Prelude - Pietro Yon - Gesu Bambino
Hymn - O come, all ye faithful (Adeste fideles)
Hymn - Hark! the herald angels sing (Mendelssohn)
Psalm - 96 Sing to the Lord a new song
Hymn - It came upon the midnight clear (Carol)
Acclamation - David N Johnson - Fanfare in B flat
Offering - Leo Nestor - A child is born
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sursum Corda - Mozarabic chant
Sanctus - David Hurd
Communion - George Frederick Handel - Excerpts from 'Messiah'
Communion - arr Reginald Jacques - Linden Tree Carol
Communion - arr John Rutter - Christmas Night
Hymn - O little town of Bethlehem (St Louis)
Hymn - Silent night (Stille Nacht)
Hymn - Joy to the world! (Antioch)
Postlude - Michael Praetorius - In Dulci Jubilo
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fourth Sunday in Advent
Concert - Christmas Influenced by Music of the World
Bob Moore, piano and voice
Tony Steve, marimba, vibraphone and percussion
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Hark! The herald angel sings
What child is this?
Still, still, still; Ding dong! Merrily on high
God rest ye merry, gentlemen
It came upon a midnight clear; O holy night
O come, O come, Emmanuel
We three Kings of Orient are
Go tell it on the mountain
Carol of the Bells
Lo, how a rose e'er blooming
Angels we have heard on high
The Christmas Song
O Tannenbaum
Christmas Time is here
Silent Night
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Fourth Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Magnificat noni toni
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Emmanuel; O Wisdom'
Hymn - Blest be the King whose coming (Valet Will Ich Dir Geben)
Magnificat - Betty Carr Pulkingham - from 'Cathedral of the Isles'
Psalm - 80:1-7 Hear, O Shepherd of Israel
Hymn - O come, O come, Emmanuel (Veni, Veni Emmanuel)
Magnificat - Healey Willan - Service in B flat
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sursum Corda - plainsong
Sanctus - David Hurd
Communion - J S Bach - Suscepit Israel, from 'Magnificat'
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Comfort ye, comfort ye my people'
Communion - Charles Wood - The Lamb
Hymn - Lo! He comes (Helmsley)
Organ - Kenneth Walton - Chorale Prelude on 'St Thomas'
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Third Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Kenneth Walton - Chorale Prelude on 'Veni, Veni Emmanuel'
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Dayspring; O King of the Nations'
Magnificat - Betty Carr Pulkingham - from 'Cathedral of the Isles'
Canticle - 9 The First Song Of Isaiah
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord'
Communion - John Joubert - There is no rose
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Second Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Once He Came In Blessing', BWV 724
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Root of Jesse; O Key of David'
Hymn - Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding (Merton)
Magnificat - Betty Carr Pulkingham - from 'Cathedral of the Isles'
Canticle - 16 The Song of Zechariah
Hymn - O come, O come, Emmanuel (Veni, Veni Emmanuel), vv 1-4
Offering - Colin Mawby - Jesus Christ, the apple tree
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sanctus - David Hurd
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'We have sinnned and are as an unclean thing'
Communion - John Brian McAnuff - This is the truth
Hymn - Rejoice! rejoice, believers (Llangoffan)
Organ - Paul Manz - Prelude on 'Sleepers, Wake!', antiphonally
Sunday, November 29, 2009
First Sunday in Advent
A Procession with Carols on Advent Sunday
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (ornamented)
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles'
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Behold A Rose Breaks Into Bloom'
Introit - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Advent Matins Responsory
Hymn - Lo! He comes, with clouds descending (Helmsley)
Lesson 1 - God commissions Isaiah to be the Prophet of the Advent - Isaiah 6:1-11
Carol - G R Woodward - 'Twas in the year
Hymn - Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding (Merton)
Lesson 2 - The Prophet proclaims the good news to a people in exile - Isaiah 35:1-10
Carol - John Joubert - There is no rose
Lesson 3 - The Prophet foretells the coming of the Lord and the increase of his
kingdom - Zechariah 2:10-13
Carol - Colin Mawby - Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
Hymn - On Jordan's bank (Winchester New)
Lesson 4 - The Angel Gabriel salutes the Blessed Virgin Mary - Luke 1:23-38
Carol - Edmund Rubbra - That virgin's child
Lesson 5 - The Blessed Virgin Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth - Luke 1:39-56
Carol - John Brian McAnuff - This is the truth
Organ - J S Bach, - Wachet auf
Carol - Jacob Praetorius - Wachet auf
Lesson 6 - St. Matthew tells of the coming birth of Jesus - Matthew 1:18-23
Carol - Paul Manz - E'en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come
Carol - Charles Wood - The Lamb
Carol - K Lee Scott - The wilderness will rejoice
Vesper Responsory
Hymn - The Lord will come and not be slow (York)
Lord's Prayer
Prayers and Blessing
Hymn - Hark! The glad sound! (Richmond)
Organ - Paul Manz - Chorale Prelude on 'Comfort, Comfort Ye My People'
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (Organo Pleno)
Sunday, November 29, 2009
First Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Sleepers, Wake!'
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Wisdom; O Adonai'
Hymn - Sleepers, Wake! (Wachet Auf)
Magnificat - Betty Carr Pulkingham - from 'Cathedral of the Isles'
Psalm - simplified Anglican chant - 25;1-9 'To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul'
Hymn - O come, O come, Emmanuel (Veni, Veni Emmanuel), vv 1-2
Offering - Paul Manz - E'en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sanctus - David Hurd
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Be not wroth very sore, O Lord'
Communion - Edmund Rubbra - That virgin's child
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Behold A Rose Breaks Into Bloom'
Hymn - Hark the glad sound! (Richmond)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (Orgelbuchlein)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Twenty-fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Organ Recital
John Cannon, organ
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Prelude and Fugue in b minor, BWV 544
Felix Mendelssohn (1809-1847)
Excerpts from "Sonata III in A"
1) Con moto maestoso
2) Andante
Herbert Howells (1892-1983)
Psalm Prelude, Op. 32 No. 3
Olivier Messiaen (1908-1992)
Excerpt from "La Nativite du Seigneur (The Birth of Christ)"
1) Dieu Parmi Nous (God Among Us)
Maurice Durufle (1902-1986)
Prelude sur l'Introit de l'Epiphanie (Prelude on the Epiphany Introit)
Marcel Dupre (1886-1971)
Excerpt from "Le Chemin de la Croix (The Stations of the Cross)"
1) Jesus meurt sur la Croix (Jesus dies on the Cross)
Charles-Marie Widor (1845-1937)
Excerpt from "Symphonie Romane"
1) Moderato
Maurice Durufle
Choral Varie sur le Theme du "Veni Creator" (Choral Variations on the theme "Veni Creator")
1) Andante religioso
2) Poco meno lento
3) Allegretto
4) Andante espressivo
5) Allegro
Jean Langlais (1907-1991)
Excerpt from "Trois Paraphrases Gregoriennes"
1) Hymne d'Action de Grace "Te Deum" (Hymn of Praise "Te Deum")
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Tony Steve, Director and vibraphone
Gregory Curry, trumpet and flugelhorn
Ernie Ealum, bass
Sarah Gondeck, soprano and alto saxophones
Bob Moore, piano
Darrin Ronin, drums and voice
Amy Szkody, voice
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - John Scofield - I'll Catch You
Music - de Rose and Shefter - The Lamp Is Low
Music - Victor Feldman - Azule Serape
Hymn - I want to walk as a child of the light (Houston)
Music - Eddie Daniels - Waltz For Mirabau
Postlude - Antonio Carlos Jobim - Antigua
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