2010 Music Recording Archive from St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida |
2010-12-31 - Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols |
2010-12-26 - First Sunday after Christmas Day - Holy Eucharist |
2010-12-25 - Christmas Day - Holy Eucharist |
2010-12-19 - Fourth Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist |
2010-12-05 - Second Sunday in Advent - Ordination of Deacons |
2010-12-05 - Second Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist |
2010-11-28 - A Procession with Carols on Advent Sunday |
2010-11-28 - First Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist |
2010-11-25 - Thanksgiving Day - Holy Eucharist |
2010-11-21 - St. Andrew's Day - Festal Choral Evensong and Address for St. Andrew's Day |
2010-11-07 - All Saints' Sunday - Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist |
2010-10-31 - Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-10-24 - Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-10-17 - Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-10-10 - Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-10-03 - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-09-26 - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-09-19 - Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-09-12 - Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-09-05 - Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-08-29 - Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist |
2010-08-15 - Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-08-08 - Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-08-01 - Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-07-25 - Ninth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-07-18 - Seventh Sunday after Trinity - Choral Evensong, Ely Cathedral |
2010-07-18 - Seventh Sunday after Trinity - Sung Eucharist, Ely Cathedral |
2010-07-17 - Choral Evensong, Ely Cathedral - Lady Chapel |
2010-07-15 - Choral Evensong, Ely Cathedral |
2010-07-14 - Choral Evensong, Ely Cathedral |
2010-07-13 - Choral Evensong, Ely Cathedral |
2010-07-12 - Choral Evensong, Ely Cathedral |
2010-07-04 - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-06-27 - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - Choral Evensong |
2010-06-27 - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-06-20 - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-06-06 - Second Sunday after Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2010-05-30 - First Sunday after Pentecost/Trinity Sunday - Holy Eucharist |
2010-05-23 - Feast of Pentecost - Ordination of Deacons |
2010-05-23 - Feast of Pentecost - Holy Baptism/Rite of Confirmation/Holy Eucharist |
2010-05-16 - Seventh Sunday of Easter - Choral Evensong, St Peter's Episcopal Church, Fernandina Beach Florida |
2010-05-16 - Seventh Sunday of Easter - Holy Eucharist |
2010-05-02 - Fifth Sunday of Easter - Holy Eucharist |
2010-04-25 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - Festal Choral Evensong and Address for St. George's Day |
2010-04-25 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - Holy Eucharist |
2010-04-11 - Second Sunday of Easter - Holy Eucharist |
2010-04-04 - Easter Day - Holy Eucharist |
2010-04-04 - Easter Day - Easter Vigil/Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist |
2010-04-02 - Good Friday - Good Friday Liturgy |
2010-04-01 - Maundy Thursday - Holy Eucharist |
2010-03-28 - Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion - Holy Eucharist |
2010-03-26 - Stations Of The Cross |
2010-03-21 - Fifth Sunday in Lent - Vespers |
2010-03-21 - Fifth Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist |
2010-03-14 - Fourth Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist |
2010-03-07 - Third Sunday in Lent - Choral Evensong, St Paul's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, Jacksonville Beach Florida |
2010-03-07 - Third Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist |
2010-02-28 - Second Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist |
2010-02-21 - First Sunday in Lent - Festal Choral Evensong for the First Sunday in Lent |
2010-02-21 - First Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist |
2010-02-17 - Ash Wednesday - Ash Wednesday Liturgy |
2010-02-14 - Last Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2010-02-07 - Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2010-01-31 - Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2010-01-24 - Third Sunday after the Epiphany - Choral Evensong, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Gainesville Florida |
2010-01-24 - Third Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2010-01-10 - First Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist |
2010-01-06 - Epiphany - Evening Prayer |
2010-01-03 - Second Sunday after Christmas Day - Holy Eucharist |
Back to the Music Recording Archive from St. John's Cathedral home page
Friday, December 31, 2010
Feast of the Holy Name
New Year's Eve
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Jean Langlais - La Nativite from 'Poemes Evangeliques'
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'In Dulci Jubilo'
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'O Hail This Brightest Day Of Days'
Hymn - Once in royal David's city (Irby)
Bidding Prayer, Lord's Prayer, Grace
Carol - anonymous - Verbum caro
Lesson 1
Carol - Warren Michael Swenson - Adam lay ybounden
Lesson 2
Carol - William Byrd - Surge Illuminare
Lesson 3
Carol - John Rutter - Sans Day Carol
Hymn - O little town of Bethlehem (Forest Green)
Lesson 4
Carol - Elizabeth Poston - Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
Lesson 5
Carol - Andrew Carter - A Maiden Most Gentle
Hymn - God rest you merry, gentlemen (God Rest You Merry)
Lesson 6
Carol - Stephen Cleobury - Joys Seven
Lesson 7
Carol - John Joubert - Torches
Carol - Eric H Thiman - Madonna and Child
Hymn - While shepherds watched their flocks (Winchester Old)
Lesson 8
Carol - Peter Warlock - Bethlehem Down
Lesson 9
Hymn - O come, all ye faithful (Adeste fideles)
Nativity Collects, Blessing
Hymn - Hark! The herald angels sing! (Mendelssohn)
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Chorale Prelude on 'In Dulci Jubilo'
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Fugato from 'Variations Sur un Noel'
Sunday, December 26, 2010
First Sunday after Christmas Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Jean Langlais - La Nativite from 'Poemes Evangeliques'
Introit - Edward C Bairstow - Jesu, the very thought of Thee
Psalm - F A Gore Ouseley - 147:13-21 Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem
Offering - William Byrd - Surge Illuminare
Communion - Healey Willan - O how sweet
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'In Thee Is Gladness'
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - anonymous - Away in a manger
Prelude - anonymous - O little town of Bethlehem
Prelude - anonymous - Silent Night
Prelude - G F Handel - Pastoral Symphony from 'Messiah'
Introit - anonymous - Verbum caro
Hymn - God rest you merry, gentlemen (God Rest You Merry)
Hymn - Hark! the herald angels sing (Mendelssohn)
Psalm - C V Stanford - 98 O sing unto the Lord a new song
Hymn - Good Christian friends, rejoice (In Dulci Jubilo)
Offering - John Joubert - Torches
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sanctus - David Hurd
Communion - arr Daniel Kelley - Coventry Carol
Communion - Peter Warlock - Bethlehem Down
Hymn - Joy to the world (Antioch)
Organ - J S Bach - Fantasia on 'In Dulci Jubilo'
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Fourth Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Kenneth Walton - Chorale Prelude on 'Veni, Veni Emmanuel'
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Emmanuel; O Wisdom'
Psalm - Jonathan Battishill - 80:1-7, 17-19 Hear, O thou Shepherd of Israel
Offering - William H Harris - Strengthen ye the weak hands
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Comfort ye, comfort ye my people'
Communion - David Ashley White - The Apple Tree
Organ - Kenneth Walton - Chorale Prelude on 'St Thomas'
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Second Sunday in Advent
Ordination of Deacons
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'All Glory Be To God On High'
Organ - G F Handel - Concerto #2 in G Major
Hymn - The Church's one foundation (Aurelia)
Litany for Ordinations - plainsong
Psalm - John Hopkins - 84 How dear to me is your dwelling
Hymn - Lift high the cross (Crucifer)
Hymn - Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire (Come Holy Ghost)
Offering - C V Stanford - Jubilate Deo from Service in B flat
Sanctus - Richard Proulx - from 'A Community Mass'
Communion - Thomas Tallis - If ye love me
Hymn - Like the murmur of the dove's song (Bridegroom)
Hymn - Holy Spirit, ever living (Abbot's Leigh)
Hymn - All my hope on God is founded (Michael)
Organ - Healey Willan - Prelude on 'Hyfrydol'
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Second Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Once He Came In Blessing', BWV 724
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Root of Jesse; O Key of David'
Psalm - Stephen Elvey - 72:1-7, 18-19 Give the King thy judgements
Offering - Barry Ferguson - People look East
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'We have sinnned and are as an unclean thing'
Organ - Paul Manz - Prelude on 'Sleepers, Wake!', antiphonally
Sunday, November 28, 2010
First Sunday in Advent
A Procession with Carols on Advent Sunday
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (ornamented)
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles'
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Behold A Rose Breaks Into Bloom'
Introit - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Advent Matins Responsory
Hymn - Lo! He comes, with clouds descending (Helmsley)
Lesson 1 - God commissions Isaiah to be the Prophet of the Advent - Isaiah 6:1-11
Carol - G R Woodward - 'Twas in the year
Hymn - Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding (Merton)
Lesson 2 - The Prophet proclaims the good news to a people in exile - Isaiah 35:1-10
Carol - Philip Ledger - A spotless Rose
Lesson 3 - The Prophet foretells the coming of the Lord and the increase of his kingdom - Zechariah 2:10-13
Carol - William H Harris - Strengthen ye the weak hands
Hymn - On Jordan's bank (Winchester New)
Lesson 4 - The Angel Gabriel salutes the Blessed Virgin Mary - Luke 1:23-38
Carol - Timothy Hone - Gabriel's message does away
Lesson 5 - The Blessed Virgin Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth - Luke 1:39-56
Carol - Arthur Baynon - When rooks fly homeward
Organ - J S Bach, - Wachet auf
Carol - Jacob Praetorius - Wachet auf
Lesson 6 - St. Matthew tells of the coming birth of Jesus - Matthew 1:18-23
Carol - Johann Eccard - Mary's Salutation
Carol - David Ashley White - The Apple Tree
Carol - Barry Ferguson - People look East
Vesper Responsory
Hymn - The Lord will come and not be slow (York)
Lord's Prayer
Prayers and Blessing
Hymn - Hark! The glad sound! (Richmond)
Organ - Paul Manz - Chorale Prelude on 'Comfort, Comfort Ye My People'
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (Organo Pleno)
Sunday, November 28, 2010
First Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Alan Hovhaness - Prayer Of St Gregory
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Wisdom; O Adonai'
Psalm - John Robinson - 122 I was glad when they said
Offering - Johann Eccard - Mary's Salutation
Communion - G P Telemann - Dolce from 'Fantasia 7 in E flat'
Communion - G P Telemann - Allegro from 'Fantasia 7 in E flat'
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Be not wroth very sore, O Lord'
Communion - Timothy Hone - Gabriel's message does away
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Behold A Rose Breaks Into Bloom'
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (Orgelbuchlein)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Jeremiah Clarke - Trumpet Tune Duet
Prelude - G F Handel - Allegretto 1 from Water Music
Prelude - G F Handel - Allegretto 2 from Water Music
Prelude - G F Handel - Allegro from Water Music
Introit - Adrian Batten - O sing joyfully
Hymn - Come, ye thankful people, come (St George's Windsor)
Trisagion - David Hurd
Psalm - 100 Be joyful in the Lord
Hymn - We plow the fields (Wir pflugen)
Offering - C V Stanford - Jubilate Deo from Service in B flat
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sanctus - David Hurd
Communion - Gardner Evans - I will give thanks
Psalm - Gerald H Knight - 67 God be merciful unto us
Hymn - Now thank we all our God (Nun Danket)
Postlude - Francesco Manfredini - Trumpet Finale
Sunday, November 21, 2010
St. Andrew's Day Festal
Choral Evensong and Address for St. Andrew's Day
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Henry Purcell - Fanfare in C
Prelude - George Frederic Handel - Maestoso
Prelude - George Philipp Telemann - Heroic Music
Introit - William H Harris - Holy is the True Light
Hymn - O God, our help in ages past (St Anne)
Pipe Band - Highland Cathedral
Preces - Bernard Rose
Psalm - Thomas Attwood - 19 The heavens declare the glory of God
Magnificat - Herbert Brewer - Service in D
Nunc Dimittis - Herbert Brewer - Service in D
Creed - monotoned
Responses - Bernard Rose
Offering - David McKinley Williams - In the year that King Uzziah died
Pipe Band
Hymn - Lift up your heads (Truro)
Presentation - Henry Purcell - Trumpet Tune in C major
Patriotic Anthem - O say can you see (National Anthem)
Patriotic Anthem - God save the Queen
Patriotic Anthem - Scotland the Brave
Hymn - Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Lasst uns Erfreuen)
Pipe Band - Scotland the Brave
Postlude - Jeremiah Clarke - Fanfare
Sunday, November 7, 2010
All Saints' Sunday
Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on Come, Sweet Death, BWV 478
Introit - William H Harris - Holy is the true light
Psalm - 149 Hallelujah! Sing to the Lord a new song
Offering - Edgar Bainton - And I saw a new heaven
Postlude - Jean-Baptist Lully - Marche Royale
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Louis Vierne - Lied from Vingt quatre pieces
Introit - Christopher Tye - Praise ye the Lord
Psalm - 32:1-8 Happy are they whose transgressions are forgiven
Offering - William H Harris - The eyes of all wait upon thee
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Schmucke dich from 11 Chorale Preludes
Communion - Percy W Whitlock - Here, O my Lord
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Toccata on Placare Christe servulis
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St. John's Cathedral Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Henry Mulet - Rosace from Esquisses Byzantines
Introit - Henry G Ley - A Prayers of King Henry VI
Choristers' Anthem - anonymous - Canto de Esperanza (Song of Hope)
Offering - Craig Phillips - Psalm 84
Organ - Matthew Camidge - Fugue Allegro from Concerto in G
Communion - Malcolm Archer - Author of life divine
Psalm - C V Stanford - 98 O sing unto the Lord a new song
Organ - Philip Moore - Toccata on Halton Holgate
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Edwin G Monk - Andante sostenuto
Introit - Thomas Mudd - Let thy merciful ears
Psalm - 121 I lift up my eyes to the hills
Offering - Elizabeth Poston - Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor - Adagio from Symphony V
Communion - Henry Purcell - Thou knowest, Lord
Psalm - Edward J Hopkins - 119:97-104 Lord, what love have I
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro maestoso e vivace from Sonata 4
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music (on vacation)
Matthew Daniel, Guest Organist
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - Cesar Franck - Cantabile
Introit - John E West - Hide me under the shadow
Psalm - 111 Hallelujah! I will give thanks to the Lord
Offering - C H H Parry - Prevent us, O Lord
Organ - Leon Boellman - Prayer of St Mary from Suite Gothique
Communion - Healey Willan - O how sweet, O Lord
Organ - Leon Boellman - Toccata from Suite Gothique
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St. John's Cathedral Choristers - Carolyn Adams, piano
Students of The Cathedral School
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - William Boyce - Introduction and Double Fugue in G
Introit - Henry Loosemore - O Lord, increase our faith
Choristers' Anthem - anonymous - Wotanin waster nabon po
TCS Student Anthem - Ralph P Merrifield - The fruit of the Spirit
Offering - Gerald Near - Christ hath a garden
Organ - John Bennett - Voluntary in F
Communion - Alan Viner - Here, O my Lord
Psalm - Matthew Camidge - 1 Blessed is the man
Organ - A L Peace - Allegro alla Marcia
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - Charles Tournemire - Pastorale
Introit - W H Anderson - Come, I pray thee
Psalm - 91:1-6, 14-16 He who dwells in the shadow
Offering - Gustav Holst - Turn back, O Man
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Andante from Sonata 1 in F
Communion - William Byrd - Ego sum panis vivus
Psalm - William Havergal - 113 Praise the Lord, ye servants
Organ - Healey Willan - Finale Jubilate
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Leo Sowerby - Prelude on Charterhouse
Introit - Charles Wood - Oculi omnium (version 2)
Psalm - 113 Halleujah, give praise
Offering - Peter Hallock - The Lord is my light
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor - Andante sostenuto
Communion - Maurice Durufle - Ubi caritas
Psalm - J Pring - 43 Give sentence with me, O God
Organ - Jordan A MacKenzie - Improvisation
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - H Walford Davies - Solemn Melody
Introit - Thomas Mudd - Let thy merciful ears
Psalm - 51:1-11 Have mercy on me, O God
Offering - Orlando Gibbons - Almighty and everlasting God
Organ - C H H Parry - Elegy
Communion - G P da Palestrina - O Bone Jesu
Organ - J S Bach - Fantasia in a minor
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Alec Rowley - Andante religioso
Introit - Philip Radcliffe - O God, my heart is ready
Psalm - 139:1-5, 13-17 Lord, you have searched me out
Offering - anonymous - Rejoice in the Lord always
Organ - Flor Peeters - Aria
Organ - Leo Sowerby - Prelude on Deus tuorum militum
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Prelude and Fugue in G Major, BWV 541
Introit - Christopher Tye - O Jesus, King most wonderful
Psalm - 112 Hallelujah Happy are those who fear the Lord
Offering - William Mathias - Let the people praise thee, O God
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegretto from Sonata IV
Communion - Healey Willan - Rise up, my love
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor - Toccata from Symphonie V
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - J S Bach - All glory be to God on high
Introit - Adrian Batten - O sing joyfully
Psalm - 80:1-2, 8-18 Hear, O Shepherd of Israel
Offering - S S Wesley - Lead me, Lord
Organ - J S Bach - Vivace from Sonata 6 in G
Communion - Thomas Attwood - Teach me, O Lord
Organ - J S Bach - Fantasia in c minor
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Be near to us Lord Jesus Christ
Introit - E C Bairstow - Jesu, the very thought of thee
Psalm - 33:12-22 Happy is the nation
Offering - Thomas Campion - Never weather-beaten sail
Organ - J S Bach - Lento from Sonata 6 in G
Communion - Malcolm Archer - Author of life divine
Organ - Jean Langlais - Pasticcio
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - C V Stanford - Prelude in F
Introit - Christopher Tye - Give almes of thy goods
Psalm - 49:1-11 Hear this, all you peoples
Offering - Joseph W Clokey - Treasures in Heaven
Communion - Ralph Vaughan Williams - O taste and see
Organ - C V Stanford - Postlude in d minor
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music (on vacation)
John Barry, Canon for Music Emeritus, organ
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - anonymous - Die Bankelsangerlieder
Prelude - G F Handel, - Brass Suite part 1
Prelude - G F Handel, - Brass Suite part 2
Prelude - G F Handel, - Brass Suite part 3
Introit - Christopher Tye - Laudate nomen domini
Psalm - 130 I will give thanks to you, O Lord
Offering - Malcolm Archer, - A New Commandment
Communion - Healey Willan, - O how sweet, O Lord
Postlude - Andre Campra - Rigaudon
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Choral Evensong
Cathedral Church of Ely, Cambridgeshire
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
Jonathan Lilley, Assistant Organist, Ely Cathedral, organ
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - William Smith - Service in A flat
Psalm - R P Stewart - 81 Sing we merrily unto God our strength
Office Hymn - O blest creator of the light
Magnificat - Healey Willan - Service in B flat
Nunc Dimittis - Healey Willan - Service in B flat
Responses - William Smith - Service in A flat
Anthem - William Byrd - Sing joyfully
Hymn - Teach me, my God and King (Sandys)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Seventh Sunday after Trinity
Sung Eucharist
Cathedral Church of Ely, Cambridgeshire
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
Jonathan Lilley, Assistant Organist, Ely Cathedral, organ
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Gloria - T Tertius Noble - Communion Service in b minor
Hymn - Blest are the pure in heart (Franconia)
Gospel Acclamation
Hymn - Just as I am, without one plea (Saffron Walden)
Sanctus - T Tertius Noble - Communion Service in b minor
Agnus Dei - T Tertius Noble - Communion Service in b minor
Communion - G P da Palestrina - O crux ave
Hymn - Praise to the Lord (Lobe Den Herren)
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Choral Evensong
Cathedral Church of Ely, Cambridgeshire - Lady Chapel
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - William Smith - Service in A flat
Psalm - John Goss 89:1-19 My song shall be alway
Office Hymn - O Trinity of blessed light
Magnificat - Orlando Gibbons - Short Service
Nunc Dimittis - Orlando Gibbons - Short Service
Responses - William Smith - Service in A flat
Anthem - Josef Rheinberger - Abendlied
Hymn - O for a closer walk with God (Caithness)
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Choral Evensong
Cathedral Church of Ely, Cambridgeshire
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
Jonathan Lilley, Assistant Organist, Ely Cathedral, organ
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - William Smith - Service in A flat
Psalm - John Goss 78:1-17 Hear my law, O my people
Office Hymn - Father, we praise you
Magnificat - Harold W Friedell - Service in F
Nunc Dimittis - Harold W Friedell - Service in F
Responses - William Smith - Service in A flat
Anthem - Herbert Sumsion - They that go down to the sea in ships
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Choral Evensong
Cathedral Church of Ely, Cambridgeshire
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
Jonathan Lilley, Assistant Organist, Ely Cathedral, organ
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Psalm - Garrett - 74:19-24 Remember this O Lord
Office Hymn - This Christ's true servant
Magnificat - Herbert Murrill - Service in E
Nunc Dimittis - Herbert Murrill - Service in E
Responses - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Anthem - Percy W Whitlock- Be still, my soul
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Choral Evensong
Cathedral Church of Ely, Cambridgeshire
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
Jonathan Lilley, Assistant Organist, Ely Cathedral, organ
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Psalm - Jonathan Battishill - 70 Haste thee, O God, to deliver me
Office Hymn - Earth's mighty maker, whose command
Magnificat - T Tertius Noble - Service in b minor
Nunc Dimittis - T Tertius Noble - Service in b minor
Responses - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Anthem - C V Stanford - Lighten our darkness
Monday, July 12, 2010
Choral Evensong
Cathedral Church of Ely, Cambridgeshire
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville
Florida Jonathan Lilley, Assistant Organist, Ely Cathedral, organ
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Psalm - Gerald H Knight - 67 God be merciful unto us
Office Hymn - O boundless wisdom God most high
Magnificat - Herbert Howells - Collegium Regale Service
Nunc Dimittis - Herbert Howells - Collegium Regale Service
Responses - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Anthem - William Mathias - Let the people praise thee, O God
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Patrick Gilmore - When Johnny comes marching home
Prelude - S A Ward - America the Beautiful
Prelude - George M Cohan - You're a grand old flag
Prelude - John Philip Sousa - The Thunderer
Introit - John E West - Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings
Psalm - 66:1-8 Be joyful in God, all you lands
Offering - Franz Joseph Haydn - Great and Glorious
Psalm - R P Stewart - 81 Sing we merrily unto God our strength
Postlude - John Philip Sousa - The Stars And Stripes Forever
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Choral Evensong
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Antonio Vivaldi - Sinfonia
Prelude - Jean-Marie LeClair - Sarabande
Prelude - Michel Richard de la Lande - Musique Royale
Prelude - Jean-Francois Dandrieu - Rondeau
Prelude - Jacques Aubert - Trumpet Tune and Air
Introit - William H Harris - Holy is the true light
Hymn - Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Lobe den Herren)
Preces - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Psalm - John Goss - 78:1-17 Hear my law, O my people
Magnificat - Harold Friedell - Service in F
Nunc Dimittis - Harold Friedell - Service in F
Creed - monotoned
Responses part 1 - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Lord's Prayer - monotoned
Responses part 2 - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Offering - Herbert Sumsion - They that go down to the sea in ships
Hymn - Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (Hyfrydol)
Postlude - G F Handel - Processional (from 'Sonata for Winds')
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - G F Handel - Allegro (from 'Concerto #1 in g minor')
Introit - Henry Walford Davies - Blessed are the poor in heart
Psalm - 16 Protect me, O God, for I take refuge in you
Offering - C V Stanford - O for a closer walk with God
Communion - Alan Viner - Here, O my Lord
Psalm - Gerald H Knight - 67 God be merciful unto us
Organ - Louis Vierne - Carillon de Westminster
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Alec Rowley - Andante religioso
Introit - F A Gore Ouseley - From the rising of the sun
Psalm - 43 Give judgment for me, O God
Offering - Percy Whitlock - Be still, my soul
Psalm - John Goss - 89:1-19 My song shall be alway
Organ - Healey Willan - Postlude in D
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - C H Lloyd - Allegretto
Introit - Christopher Tye - Praise ye the Lord
Psalm - 30 I will exalt you, O Lord
Offering - Richard Shephard - The Secret of Christ
Communion - Healey Willan - O how sweet, O Lord
Psalm - G M Garrett - 74:19-24 Remember this, O Lord
Organ - Noel Rawsthorne - Sortie
Sunday, May 30, 2010
First Sunday after Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - J S Bach - Prelude in E flat (St. Anne), BWV 552a
Introit - Henry G Ley - A prayer of King Henry VI
Psalm - 8 O Lord our Governor
Offering - William Mathias - As truly as God is our Father (1987)
Communion - Charles Wood - Oculi Omnium
Psalm - John Goss - 121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills
Organ - J S Bach - Fugue in E flat (St. Anne), BWV 552b
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Feast of Pentecost
Ordination of Deacons
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'All Glory Be To God On High'
Organ - G F Handel - Concerto #2 in G Major
Hymn - The Church's one foundation (Aurelia)
Litany for Ordinations - plainsong
Psalm - John Hopkins - 84 How dear to me is your dwelling
Hymn - Lift high the cross (Crucifer)
Hymn - Come, Holy Ghost, our souls inspire (Come Holy Ghost)
Offering - Benjamin Britten - Festival Te Deum
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sanctus - Richard Proulx - from 'A Community Mass'
Communion - Thomas Tallis - If ye love me
Hymn - Like the murmur of the dove's song (Bridegroom)
Hymn - Holy Spirit, ever living (Abbot's Leigh)
Hymn - All my hope on God is founded (Michael)
Organ - Healey Willan - Prelude on 'Hyfrydol'
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Feast of Pentecost
Holy Baptism/Rite of Confirmation/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'All Glory Be To God On High'
Introit - Henry Walford Davies - God be in my head
Psalm - 104 23-35, 37 O Lord, how manifold are all your works
Baptismal prayers - plainsong
Offering - Benjamin Britten - Festival Te Deum
Communion - G P da Palestrina - Sanctus (from 'Missa Quarta')
Psalm - Henry Walford Davies - 48 Great is the Lord
Organ - Louis Vierne - Carillon de Westminster
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Festal Choral Evensong
St Peter's Episcopal Church, Fernandina Beach Florida
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Prelude and Fugue in G
Introit - William Hutchings - God is gone up
Hymn - Hail the day that sees him rise (Llanfair)
Preces - William Smith - Service in A flat
Psalm - Joseph Barnby - 24 The earth is the Lord's
Magnificat - Herbert Howells - Collegium Regale Service
Nunc Dimittis - Herbert Howells - Collegium Regale Service
Creed - monotoned
Responses part 1 - William Smith - Service in A flat
Lord's Prayer - monotoned
Responses part 2 - William Smith - Service in A flat
Offering - Gerald Finzi - God is gone up
Hymn - All praise to thee, for thou, O King divine (Engelberg)
Organ - Olivier Messiaen - Outbursts of Joy (from 'L'Ascension')
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Seventh Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Jordan MacKenzie - Improvisation on Tzigane themes
Introit - Arthur Hutchings - God is gone up
Offering - Gerald Finzi - God is gone up
Communion - Everett Titcomb - Sing ye to the Lord
Psalm - Joseph Barnby - 24 The earth is the Lord's
Organ - Olivier Messiaen - Transports de joie from 'L'Ascension'
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Cesar Franck - Cantabile
Introit - Christopher Tye - O Jesus, King most wonderful
Psalm - 148 Hallelujah! Praise the Lord from the heavens
Offering - John Ireland - Greater love hath no man
Communion - Ralph Vaughan Williams - O taste and see
Psalm - Thomas Hanforth - 149 O sing unto the Lord
Organ - Flor Peters - Entrata Festiva
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Festal Choral Evensong and Address for St. George's Day
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Giovanni Gabrieli - Canzona Spiritata
Prelude - Giovanni Gabrieli - Canzona IV
Introit - Adrian Batten - O sing joyfully
Hymn - Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Lasst uns erfreuen)
Pipe Band - Highland Cathedral
Preces - William Smith - Service in A flat
Psalm - Robert Philip Goodenough - 150 O praise God in his holiness
Magnificat - Herbert Howells - Collegium Regale Service
Nunc Dimittis - Herbert Howells - Collegium Regale Service
Creed - monotoned
Responses part 1 - William Smith - Service in A flat
Lord's Prayer - plainsong
Responses part 2 - William Smith - Service in A flat
Offering - William Mathias - Let the people praise thee, O God
Hymn - Christ is made the sure foundation (Westminster Abbey)
Presentation - Henry Purcell - Trumpet Tune in C major
Hymn - O say can you see (National Anthem)
Hymn - God save the Queen
Hymn - And did those feet (Jerusalem)
Hymn - Come ye faithful, raise the strain (St Kevin)
Pipe Band - Scotland the Brave
Postlude - Jean-Baptiste Lully - March Royale
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Healey Willan - Prelude on 'St Columba'
Introit - John E West - Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings
Psalm - 23 The Lord is my shepherd
Offering - Gordon Jacob - Brother James' Air
Communion - Thomas Tallis - If ye love me
Psalm - John Goss - 23 The Lord is my shepherd
Organ - Gordon Jacob - Festal Flourish
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Second Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Alec Rowley - Benedictus
Introit - Everett Titcomb - Antiphon of Spring
Psalm - 150 Hallelujah! Praise God in his holy temple
Offering - Mark Shepperd - Wake, O wake this Easter day
Communion - G P da Palestrina - Adoramus Te, Christe
Chant - Richard Woodward - Christ our passover is sacrificed for us
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro con brio from 'Sonata IV in B flat
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St. John's Cathedral Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Giovanni Gabrielli - Canzona Spiritata
Prelude - Giovanni Gabrieli - Canzona IV
Prelude - G P da Palestrina - Ricercare Del Primo Tuono
Choristers' Anthem - Healey Willan - Glory be to God on high
Hymn - Welcome, happy morning (Fortunatus)
Pascha Nostrum - God's Pascal Lamb (Sine Nomine)
Hymn - Jesus Christ is reisen today (Easter Hymn)
Alleluia - Mode viii
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'The Holy Savior Is Arisen'
Offering - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow - Sing ye to the Lord
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sanctus - Richard Proulx - from 'A Community Mass'
Communion - G F Handel - Eternal source of light from 'Ode To Queen Anne'
Communion - Healey Willan - Rise up, my love, my fair one
Communion - Samuel Scheidt - Surrexit Christus
Communion - Mark Shepperd - Wake, o wake this Easter day
Hymn - He is risen, he is risen (Unser Herrscher)
Hymn - Come ye faithful, raise the strain (St Kevin)
Postlude - Jean-Baptiste Lully - March Royale
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Easter Day
Easter Vigil/Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Hymn - All who are just, sing praise to God (Puer Nobis)
Hymn - When Israel was in Egypt's land (Go Down, Moses)
Hymn - Surely it is God who saves me (Thomas Merton)
Baptism prayers
Pascha Nostrum - God's Pascal Lamb (Sine Nomine)
Alleluia - Mode viii
Offering - Samuel Scheidt - Surrexit Christus
Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessings flow (Old 100th)
Sursum Corda (part 1) - Mozarabic chant
Sanctus - Richard Proulx - from 'A Community Mass'
Sursum Corda (part 2) - Mozarabic chant
Fraction - Mason Martens
Communion - Everett Titcomb - Antiphon of Spring
Hymn - Jesus Christ is risen today (Easter Hymn)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'The Holy Savior Is Arisen'
Friday, April 2, 2010
Good Friday
Good Friday Liturgy
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Anthem - Frederick A G Ouseley - Is it nothing to you?
Anthem - John Bull - In the departure of the Lord
Anthem - G P da Palestrina - O Crux Ave
Anthem - Gabriel Faure - Pie Jesu from 'Requiem', Op 48
Music - Jules Massenet - Melodie-Elegie from 'The Erynnies', Op 10
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'O World, I Now Must Leave Thee'
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'O Man, Bemoan Thy Grievous Sin', BWV 622
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Maundy Thursday
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Olivier Messiaen - Le Banquet Celeste
Introit - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow - Jesu, the very thought of thee
Hymn - Let thy Blood in mercy poured (Jesus, Meine Zuversicht)
Kyrie - Healey Willan
Hymn - My God, thy table now is spread (Rockingham)
Hymn - Jesu, Jesu (Chereponi)
Hymn - God is Love (Mandatus)
Hymn - Where true love and charity dwell (Ubi Caritas)
Offering - Maurice Durufle - Ubi caritas
Sanctus - Healey Willan
Agnus Dei - Healey Willan
Communion - Marc Antonio Ingegneri - In Monte Oliveti
Hymn - Go to dark Gethsemane (Petra)
Psalm - Matthew Camidge - 22 My God my God look upon me
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Palm Sunday
Sunday of the Passion
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen'
Prelude - John Baptiste Faure - The Palms
Introit - Giovanni Biordi - Jerusalem
Hymn - All glory, laud, and honor (Valet Will Ich Dir Gehen)
Hymn - O sacred head, sore wounded (Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen)
Offering - Orlando Gibbons - Hosanna to the Son of David
Sanctus - Healey Willan
Agnus Dei - Healey Willan
Communion - Maurice Durufle - Pie Jesus (from 'Requiem')
Communion - Felice Anerio - Christus factus est.mp3
Communion - Everett Titcomb - Hosanna to the Son of David
Hymn - There is a green hill far away (Horsley)
Hymn - My song is love unknown (Love Unknown)
Hymn - What wondrous love is this (Wondrous Love)
Friday, March 26, 2010
Stations Of The Cross
Poetry - Paul Claudel (1868-1955); English translation - Dr. David
Music - Marcel Dupre (1886-1971)
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music, organ
Ken McCulough, narrator
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
- First Station: Jesus is condemned to death
- Second Station: Jesus receives his cross
- Third Station: Jesus falls for the first time
- Fourth Station: Jesus meets his mother
- Fifth Station: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross
- Sixth Station: Jesus and Veronica
- Seventh Station: Jesus falls for the second time
- Eighth Station: Jesus comforts the women of Jerusalem
- Ninth Station: Jesus falls for the third time
- Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his clothes
- Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross
- Twelfth Station: Jesus dies upon the cross
- Thirteenth Station: The body of Jesus is taken from the cross and laid in Mary's bosom
- Fourteenth Station: The body of Jesus is laid in the tomb
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Tony Steve, Director and vibraphone
Gregory Curry, trumpet and flugelhorn
Ernie Ealum, bass
Sarah Gondeck, saxophones
Ricky Kirkland, drums
Stevie Raine-Hanks, voice
Steve Saracson, piano
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Fran Landesman and Tommy Wolf - Spring Can Really Hang You Up
Music - Chick Corea - Sea Journey
Music - Steve Swallow - Falling Grace
Hymn - Amazing Grace (New Britain)
Music - Annie Ross and Wardell Gray - Twisted
Postlude - Clifford Brown - Joy Spring
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'O World, I Now Must Leave Thee'
Introit - W H Anderson - Come, I pray thee
Choristers' Anthem - Jan Bender - O Christ, thou Lamb of God
Offering - Johannes Brahms - Let nothing ever grieve thee
Communion - Charles Ives - Serenity
Communion - Healey Willan - O how sweet, O Lord
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Prelude in c minor
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Gerald Near - Chorale Prelude on 'Adoro Devote'
Introit - Henry Loosemore - O Lord, increase our faith
Offering - Henry Purcell - Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei
Communion - J S Bach - My spirit was in heaviness (from 'Cantata 21')
Communion - G P da Palestrina - Sicut Cervus
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'As Jesus Stood Beside The Cross', BWV 621
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Third Sunday in Lent
Festal Choral Evensong
St Paul's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, Jacksonville Beach
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'O Man, Bemoan Thy Grievous Sin', BWV 622
Introit - Richard Farrant - Call to remembrance
Hymn - Lord Christ, when first thou cam'st to earth (Mit Freuden zart)
Preces - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Psalm - George Mursell Garrett - 74:19-24 Remember this, O Lord
Magnificat - Orlando Gibbons - Short Service
Nunc Dimittis - Orlando Gibbons - Short Service
Creed - monotoned
Responses part 1 - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Lord's Prayer - plainsong
Responses part 2 - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Anthem - Josef Rheinberger - Abendlied
Anthem - William Byrd - Agnus Dei (from 'Mass for 5 Voices')
Hymn - The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (St Clement)
Organ - J S Bach - Fantasia in c minor, BWV 562
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Third Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Prelude - Tomaso Albinoni - Adagio in g minor
Introit - Richard Farrant - Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Offering - W A Mozart - De profundis
Communion - Alan Viner - Here, O my Lord
Psalm - John Goss - 23 The Lord is my shepherd
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen'
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Second Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Prelude - H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Prelude - H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Prelude - H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Prelude - H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Introit - Thomas Mudd - Let thy merciful ears
Offering - William Byrd - Agnus Dei (from 'Mass for 5 Voices')
Communion - H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Communion - H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Communion - H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Communion - H Alvin Green Memorial Alumni Chorale
Organ - Jordan MacKenzie - Fantasia on 'We Shall Overcome'
Sunday, February 21, 2010
First Sunday in Lent
Festal Choral Evensong for the First Sunday in Lent
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Prelude and Fugue on 'O Traurigkeit, O Herzeleid'
Prelude - Tomaso Albinoni - Adagio in g minor
Introit - Richard Farrant - Call to remembrance
Hymn - Lord Christ, when first thou cam'st to earth (Mit Freuden zart)
Preces - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Psalm - Matthew Camidge - 130 Out of the deep
Magnificat - Orlando Gibbons - Short Service
Nunc Dimittis - Orlando Gibbons - Short Service
Creed - monotoned
Responses part 1 - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Lord's Prayer - monotoned
Responses part 2 - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Offering - Henry Purcell - Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei
Anthem - Josef Rheinberger - Abendlied
Anthem - W A Mozart - De profundis
Anthem - Orlando Gibbons - Drop, drop, slow tears
Anthem - Byrd, William - Agnus Dei (from 'Mass for 5 Voices')
Hymn - The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (St Clement)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'As Jesus Stood Beside The Cross', BWV 621
Sunday, February 21, 2010
First Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Cathedral Arts Project violins
Introit - Richard Farrant - Hide not Thou Thy face
Great Litany in procession
Offering - Thomas Weelkes - Lord, to thee I make my moan
Communion - Cathedral Arts Project violins
Communion - G P da Palestrina - O crux ave
Psalm - John Goss - 128 Blessed are all they that fear the Lord
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Christ Who Makes Us Blessed', BWV 620
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Hymn - The glory of these forty days (Erhalt uns, Herr)
Psalm - 103:8-14 The Lord is full of compassion and mercy
Psalm - 51 Have mercy on me, O God
Offering - Orlando Gibbons - Drop, drop, slow tears
Sanctus - Healey Willan
Agnus Dei - Healey Willan
Communion - Richard Farrant - Hide not Thou Thy face
Hymn - Eternal Lord of love, behold your church (Old 124th)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Last Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - arr Charles Ives - In the morning when I rise
Introit - Christopher Tye - Praise the Lord, ye servants
Choristers' Anthem - anonymous - Siyahamb ekukhanyen kwenkhos
Offering - Felix Mendelssohn - Behold a star from Jacob shining (from 'Christus')
Communion - Leo Sowerby - Eternal Light
Psalm - William Havergal - 113 Praise the Lord, ye servants
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'If Thou But Suffer God To Guide Thee', BWV 642
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music (on vacation)
Nancy Barry, organ Cathedral Choir
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Tower bells
Introit - Frederick A G Ouseley - From the rising of the sun
Psalm - 138 I will give thanks to you, O Lord
Offering - arr Roger M Hickman - Deep River
Communion - Healy Willan - O Sacred Feast
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
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(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - C H H Parry - Chorale Prelude on 'Rockingham'
Introit - Henry G Ley- A Prayer of King Henry VI
- Choristers
Anthem - Gerald S Henderson - Great are you, O Lord
Offering - Johannes Eccard - The Presentation of Christ in the Temple
Nunc Dimittis - Healey Willan - Service in B flat
Psalm - George Mursell Garrett- 74:19-24 Remember this, O Lord
Organ - Herbert Murrill - Carillon
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Festal Choral Evensong
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Gainesville Florida
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Dr John T Lowe, Jr., Director of Music, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, organ
Cathedral Choir
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(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor- Allegro from 'Gothic Symphony'
Introit - William H Harris- Holy is the true light
Preces - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Hymn - O gladsome light (Le Cantique de Simeon)
Psalm - Luke Flintoff - 103:8-13 The Lord is merciful and gracious
Magnificat - Healey Willan - Service in B flat
Nunc Dimittis - Healey Willan - Service in B flat
Creed - monotoned
Responses part 1 - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Lord's Prayer - monotoned
Responses part 2 - Richard Ayleward - Service in E flat
Offering - William Byrd - Sing joyfully
Hymn - Abide with me, fast falls the eventide (Eventide)
Hymn - Praise my soul, the King of Heaven (Lauda Anima)
Organ - J S Bach - Fantasia in c minor, BWV 562
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'All Glory Be To God On High'
Introit - Henry Walford Davies - Blessed are the pure in heart
Psalm - 19 The heavens declare the glory of God
Offering - William Byrd - Sing joyfully
Communion - William Byrd - Ego sum panis vivus
Psalm - Luke Flintoff - 103:8-13 The Lord is merciful and gracious
Organ - J S Bach - Fantasia in c minor, BWV 562
Sunday, January 10, 2010
First Sunday after the Epiphany
The Baptism of Christ
Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Prelude on 'When Jesus Went To Jordan's Stream'
Introit - Everett Titcomb - We have seen his star
Psalm - 29 Ascribe to the Lord, you gods
Offering - John Gardner - Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
Communion - Charles Wood - Oculi omnium
Organ - Benedetto Marcello - Paraphrase on Psalm Nineteen
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Feast of the Epiphany
Evening Prayer
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Stanley Roper - Prelude on 'Greensleves' for cello and organ
Phos Hilaron - Ronald Arnatt
Hymn - We three kings of Orient are (Three Kings of Orient)
Anthem - Eric Whitacre - Lux Aurumque
Hymn - How bright appears the morning star (Wie Schon leuchtet)
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Help me to praise God's goodness', BWV 613
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Second Sunday after Christmas Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Tower bells
Prelude - Ken Bauer - 'Sing We Now Of Christmas' for oboe and organ
Prelude - Ken Bauer - 'What Child Is This' for oboe and organ
Introit - Thomas Morley - Lirum Lirum
Psalm - 84:1-8 How dear to me is your dwelling, O Lord
Offering - Philip Ledger - Adam lay ybounden
Communion - Harold Friedell - Saw you never in the twilight
Organ - J S Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'From Heaven Above To Earth I Come'
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