2014 Music Recording Archive from St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida |
2014-12-31 - Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols |
2014-12-28 - First Sunday after Christmas Day - Holy Eucharist |
2014-12-25 - Christmas Day - Holy Eucharist |
2014-12-24 - Christmas Eve - Holy Eucharist |
2014-12-21 - Fourth Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist |
2014-12-14 - Third Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist |
2014-12-07 - Second Sunday in Advent - Ordination of Deacons |
2014-12-07 - Second Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist |
2014-11-30 - A Procession with Carols on Advent Sunday |
2014-11-30 - First Sunday in Advent - Holy Eucharist |
2014-11-27 - Thanksgiving Day - Holy Eucharist |
2014-11-23 - Last Sunday After Pentecost - Festal Choral Evensong and Address for St. Andrew's Day |
2014-11-23 - Last Sunday After Pentecost - Feast of Christ the King - Holy Eucharist |
2014-11-16 - Twenty-Third Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-11-09 - Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-11-02 - All Saints' Sunday - Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist |
2014-10-26 - Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-10-19 - Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-10-12 - Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-10-05 - Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-09-28 - Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-09-21 - Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-09-14 - Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-09-07 - Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-08-31 - Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-08-24 - Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-08-17 - Tenth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist |
2014-08-10 - Ninth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-08-03 - Choral Evensong, Canterbury Cathedral |
2014-08-02 - Choral Evensong, Canterbury Cathedral |
2014-08-01 - Choral Evensong, Canterbury Cathedral |
2014-07-31 - Choral Evensong, Canterbury Cathedral |
2014-07-30 - Choral Evensong, Canterbury Cathedral |
2014-07-20 - Sixth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-07-13 - Fifth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-07-06 - Fourth Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-06-29 - Third Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-06-22 - Second Sunday After Pentecost - Holy Eucharist |
2014-06-15 - First Sunday After Pentecost/Trinity Sunday - Ordination of Priests |
2014-06-15 - First Sunday After Pentecost/Trinity Sunday - Holy Eucharist |
2014-06-08 - Feast of Pentecost - Rite of Confirmation/Holy Eucharist |
2014-06-01 - England Pilgrimage Anthem Concert |
2014-06-01 - Ascension Sunday - Holy Eucharist |
2014-05-25 - Sixth Sunday of Easter - Holy Eucharist |
2014-05-18 - Fifth Sunday of Easter - Holy Eucharist |
2014-05-17 - Amy Szkody-Steve Bandalos Marriage |
2014-05-11 - Fourth Sunday of Easter - Holy Eucharist |
2014-05-03 - Third Sunday of Easter - Festal Choral Evensong and Address for St. George's Day |
2014-05-04 - Third Sunday of Easter - Holy Eucharist |
2014-04-27 - Second Sunday of Easter - Holy Eucharist |
2014-04-20 - Easter Day - Holy Eucharist |
2014-04-20 - Easter Day - Easter Vigil/Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist |
2014-04-18 - Good Friday - Seven Last Words of Christ |
2014-04-17 - Maundy Thursday - Holy Eucharist |
2014-04-13 - Palm Sunday/Sunday of the Passion - Holy Eucharist |
2014-04-06 - Fifth Sunday in Lent - Choral Evensong, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Gainesville Florida |
2014-04-06 - Fifth Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist |
2014-03-23 - Third Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist |
2014-03-16 - Second Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist |
2014-03-09 - First Sunday in Lent - Festal Choral Evensong for the First Sunday in Lent |
2014-03-09 - First Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist |
2014-03-05 - Ash Wednesday - Ash Wednesday Liturgy |
2014-03-02 - Last Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2014-02-23 - Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2014-02-16 - Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2014-02-09 - Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany - Choral Evensong, St. Paul's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, Jacksonville Beach Florida |
2014-02-09 - Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2014-02-02 - Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2014-01-26 - Third Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2014-01-19 - Second Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2014-01-12 - First Sunday after the Epiphany - Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist |
2014-01-05 - Epiphany - Holy Eucharist |
2014-01-04 - Solemn Nuptial Mass - Hayley Elizabeth Zeller and Timothy Scott Tuller - Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Jacksonville Florida |
Back to the Music Recording Archive from St. John's Cathedral home page
Wedesday, December 31, 2014
Feast of the Holy Name
New Year's Eve
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Variations Sur un Noel
Carol - anonymous - Verbum Caro
Carol - Malcolm Archer - Adam lay ybounden
Carol - William Byrd - Surge Illuminare
Carol - Thomas Morley - Lirum, Lirum
Carol - Henry Walford Davies - The Holly and the Ivy
Carol - David Willcocks - Angelus ad virginem
Carol - Andrew Carter - Nightengale Carol
Carol - John Joubert - Torches
Carol - Michael Head - The Little Road to Bethlehem
Carol - Francis Poulenc - Videntes Stellam
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Chorale Prelude on 'In Dulci Jubilo'
Organ - Sigfried Karg-Elert - Chorale Improvisation on 'In Dulci Jubilo'
Sunday, December 28, 2014
First Sunday after Christmas Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Alec Rowley - Chorale Prelude on 'Greensleeves'
Introit - Edward C Bairstow - Jesu, the very thought of Thee
Psalm - F A Gore Ouseley - 147:13-21 Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem
Offering - William Byrd - Surge Illuminare
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'O Hail This Brightest Day Of Days'
Communion - Henry Walford Davies - The Holly and the Ivy
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'In Thee Is Gladness'
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Christmas Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Stanley Roper - Prelude on 'Greensleeves
Prelude - Daniel Kelley - Pat-a-pan
Introit - anonymous - Verbum Caro
Psalm - Charles Villiers Stanford - 98 O sing unto the Lord a new song
Offering - Andrew Carter - Nightengale Carol
Communion - Daniel Kelley - Coventry Carol
Communion - Thomas Morley - Lirum, Lirum
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Fantasia on 'In Dulci Jubilo'
Wedesday, December 24, 2014
Christmas Eve
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Pietro Yon - Jesu, Bambino
Psalm - Thomas Attwood - 96 O sing unto the Lord a new song
Offering - David Willcocks - Angelus ad virginem
Communion - Johann Sebastian Bach - Andante from 'Violin Sonata 2 in a minor
Communion - John Joubert - Torches
Communion - Michael Head - The Little Road to Bethlehem
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Fourth Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Magnificat noni toni
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Emmanuel; O Wisdom'
Offering - Herbert Sumsion - Magnificat, from 'Service in A'
Communion - Franz Schubert - Ave Maria
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Comfort ye, comfort ye my people'
Organ - Gerald Near - Chorale Prelude on 'Puer Nobis Nascitur'
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Third Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Kenneth Walton - Chorale Prelude on 'Veni, Veni Emmanuel'
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Dayspring; O King of the Nations'
Offering - Herbert Howells - A spotless rose
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord'
Organ - Kenneth Walton - Chorale Prelude on 'St Thomas'
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Second Sunday in Advent
Ordination of a Priest
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (ornamented)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (Organo Pleno)
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Behold A Rose Breaks Into Bloom'
Psalm - Joseph Pring - 43 Give sentence with me O God
Offering - Edward Elgar - The Spirit of the Lord is upon me
Communion - Thomas Tallis - If ye love me
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro assai vivace from 'Sonata I in f minor'
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Second Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (ornamented)
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Root of Jesse; O Key of David'
Offering - John Stainer - How beautiful upon the mountains
Organ - Paul Manz - Chorale Prelude on 'Comfort, Comfort Ye My People'
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'We have sinnned and are as an unclean thing'
Organ - Paul Manz - Prelude on 'Sleepers, Wake!', antiphonally
Sunday, November 30, 2014
First Sunday in Advent
A Procession with Carols on Advent Sunday
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (ornamented)
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles'
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Behold A Rose Breaks Into Bloom'
Introit - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Advent Matins Responsory
Carol - G R Woodward - 'Twas in the year
Carol - John Stainer - How beautiful upon the mountains
Carol - Peter Hallock - Advent Calendar
Carol - Edgar Pettman - The angel Gabriel from heaven came
Carol - Otto Goldschmidt - A tender shoot
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach, - Wachet auf
Carol - Jacob Praetorius - Wachet auf
Carol - Paul Manz - E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come
Carol - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Rorate coeli
Carol - Herbert Howells - A spotless rose
Organ - Paul Manz - Chorale Prelude on 'Comfort, Comfort Ye My People'
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (Organo Pleno)
Sunday, November 30, 2014
First Sunday in Advent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Sleepers, Wake!'
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Wisdom; O Adonai'
Offering - Paul Manz - E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles'
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Be not wroth very sore, O Lord'
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (Orgelbuchlein)
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Thanksgiving Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Georg Frederick Handel - A tempo ordinario e staccato, Allegro from 'Concerto 2 in B flat'
Introit - Adrian Batten - O sing joyfully
Psalm - John Stainer - 100 O be joyful in the lord
Offering - Maurice Greene - Thou visitest the earth
Communion - Gardner Evans - I will give thanks
Organ - Sigfreid Karg-Eleret - Chorale Prelude on 'Now Thank We All Our God'
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Last Sunday after Pentecost
St. Andrew's Day
Festal Choral Evensong and Address for St. Andrew's Day
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Passacaglia in c minor
Introit - Charles Wood - Hail, gladdening Light
Preces - William Byrd - Preces and Responses in E flat
Psalm - Thomas Attwood - 19 The heavens declare the glory of God
Magnificat - Herbert Sumsion - Service in A
Nunc Dimittis - Herbert Sumsion - Service in A
Responses - William Byrd - Preces and Responses in E flat
Offering - Philip Moore - Lo! God is here!
Organ - Henry Purcell - Trumpet Tune in C Major
Organ - Alexander Guilmant - Final, Allegro assai from 'Sonata 1 in d minor'
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Last Sunday after Pentecost
Feast of Christ the King
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro moderato e serioso from 'Sonata I in f minor'
Introit - Christopher Tye - O Jesus, King most wonderful
Psalm - Christopher Tye - 100 O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands
Offering - Johann Sebastian Bach - King of glory, King of peace
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Adagio from 'Sonata I in f minor'
Communion - Charles Wood - Oculi Omnium
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro assi vivace from 'Sonata I in f minor'
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St. John's Senior Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Healey Willan - Prelude on 'St Flavian'
Introit - John Rutter - God be in my head
Choristers Anthem - Austin C Lovelace - What color God has made
Offering - Charles Hubert Hastings Parry - Never weather-beaten sail
Organ - Gabriel DuPont - Meditation
Communion - Ralph Vaughan Williams - O taste and see
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Fugue in c minor
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Charles Villiers Stanford - Prelude in F
Introit - Henry Loosemore - O Lord, increase our faith
Psalm - John Goss - 78:1-7 Hear my teaching, O my people
Offering - Adrian Batten - Haste thee, O God
Organ - Samuel Walter - Eucharistic Hymn
Communion - William Byrd - Ego sum panis vivus
Organ - Charles Villiers Stanford - Postlude in d minor
Sunday, November 2, 2014
All Saints' Sunday
Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Introit - William H Harris - Holy is the true light
Psalm - Thomas Norris - 34:1-10, 22 I will alway give thanks unto the Lord
Offering - Georg Frederick Handel - Then round about the starry throne from 'Samson'
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Henry Walford Davies - A Solemn Melody
Introit - W H Anderson - Come, I pray thee
Psalm - Arthur Henry Mann - 90:1-6, 13-17 Lord, thou hast been our refuge
Offering - Harold W Friedell - For this cause
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Antiphon III
Communion - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow - I sat down under his shadow
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Toccata on 'Placare Christe servulis'
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St. John's Senior Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Georg Frederick Handel - A tempo ordinario e staccato, Allegro from 'Concerto 2 in B flat'
Introit - Christopher Tye - Give almes of thy goods
Choristers Anthem - Philip R Dietterich - Come one, come all, come follow
Offering - Edward Cuthbert Bairsow - Though I speak with the tongues of men
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Lento from 'Sonata 6 in G'
Communion - Joseph W Clokey - Treasures in heaven
Organ - John Cook - Fanfare for Organ
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor - Andante sostenuto from 'Gothic Symphony'
Introit - John Rutter - God be in my head
Psalm - Thomas Jackson - 106:1-6, 19-23 O give thanks unto the Lord
Offering - William Lovelock - O praise God in His holiness
Organ - Gerald Near - Chorale Prelude on 'Schmucke dich'
Communion - Alan Viner - Here, O my Lord
Organ - T Tertius Noble - Nachspiel
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude and Fugue in G
Introit - Adrian Batten - O sing joyfully
Psalm - Thomas Attwood - 19 The heavens declare the glory of God
Offering - Henry Purcell - Rejoice in the Lord alway
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Angelus
Communion - Thomas Tallis - If ye love me
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Toccata in C
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Cesar Franck - Cantabile
Introit - Henry G Ley - A prayer of King Henry VI
Psalm - John Goss - 78:1-4, 12-16 Hear my law, O my people
Offering - Lee Hoiby - Let this mind be in you
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor - Adagio from 'Organ Symphony 4'
Communion - Felice Anerio - Christus factus est
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor - Finale from 'Organ Symphony 4'
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St. John's Senior Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Leo Sowerby - Carillon
Introit - Richard Farrant - Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Choristers Anthem - Ludwig Lenel - Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
Offering - Peter Hallock - The Lord is my light
Organ - Cesar Franck - Communion
Communion - Healey Willan - O how sweet, O Lord
Organ - Noel Rawsthorne - Sortie
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Fugue in e minor
Introit - Richard Farrant - Hide not thou thy face
Psalm - Henry Walford Davies - 114 When Israel came out of Egypt
Offering - Samuel Sebastian Wesley - Wash me throughly from my wickedness
Organ - Charles Hubert Hastings Parry - Elegy in A flat
Communion - Charles Wood - Oculi Omnium
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Fantasia on 'Now Thank We All Our God'
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude in e minor
Introit - Thomas Attwood - Teach me, O Lord
Psalm - Thomas Hanforth - 149 O sing unto the Lord
Offering - Orlando Gibbons - Almighty and everlasting God
Organ - Louis Vierne - Berceuse from 'Vingt quatre pieces en style libre'
Communion - Samuel Sebastian Wesley - Lead me, Lord
Organ - Louis Vierne - Carillon from 'Vingt quatre pieces en style libre'
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - John Bennett - Voluntary in F
Introit - Henry Walford Davies - God be in my head
Offering - John Goss - O Saviour of the world
Organ - Percy W Whitlock - Andante Tranquilo from 'Five Short Pieces'
Communion - Maurice Durufle - Ubi caritas
Organ - Antonio Soler - The Emperor's Fanfare
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Georg Frederick Handel - Andante from 'Concerto 1 in g minor
Introit - Frederick A Gore Ouseley - From the rising of the sun
Offering - Ernest Bullock - Give us the wings of faith
Organ - Gabriel DuPont - Meditation
Communion - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow - Jesu, the very thought of Thee
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor - Toccata from 'Organ Symphony in F'
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Edwin G Monk - Andante sostenuto
Introit - Henry Loosemore - O Lord, increase our faith
Offering - Percy W Whitlock - Be still, my soul
Organ - Alexander Guilmant - Berceuse
Communion - Malcolm Archer - Author of life divine
Organ - A L Peace - Allegro alla Marcia
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - William Walond - Cornet Voluntary
Introit - Henry Walford Davies - Blessed are the pure in heart
Offering - Malcolm Archer - A New Commandment
Organ - Charles Callahan - Aria for Organ
Communion - Malcolm Archer - Author of life divine
Organ - David N Johnson - Trumpet Tune in E flat
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Choral Evensong
The Cathedral And Metropolitical Church Of Christ, Canterbury
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - John Barnard - Service in A
Psalm - Jonathan Battishill - 80 Hear, O thou Shepherd of Israel
Magnificat - George Dyson - Service in D
Nunc Dimittis - George Dyson - Service in D
Responses - John Barnard - Service in A
Anthem - Malcolm Boyle - Thou, O God, art praised in Sion
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Choral Evensong
The Cathedral And Metropolitical Church Of Christ, Canterbury
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - John Barnard - Service in A
Psalm - Walter Parratt - 13 How long wilt thou forget me
Magnificat - Herbert Sumsion - Evening Service in D Major
Nunc Dimittis - Herbert Sumsion - Evening Service in D Major
Responses - John Barnard - Service in A
Anthem - Morten Lauridsen - Ubi Caritas et Amor
Friday, August 1, 2014
Choral Evensong
The Cathedral And Metropolitical Church Of Christ, Canterbury
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - Phillip Radcliff - Service for Edington (1972)
Psalm - Edward John Bayne - 8 O Lord our Governor
Magnificat - Everett Titcomb - Evening Service
Nunc Dimittis - Everett Titcomb - Evening Service
Responses - Phillip Radcliff - Service for Edington (1972)
Anthem - Charles Villiers Stanford - Lighten our darkness
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Choral Evensong
The Cathedral And Metropolitical Church Of Christ, Canterbury
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - Phillip Radcliff - Service for Edington (1972)
Psalm - Robert Philip Goodenough - 150 O praise God in his holiness
Magnificat - Herbert Howells - Westminster Service
Nunc Dimittis - Herbert Howells - Westminster Service
Responses - Phillip Radcliff - Service for Edington (1972)
Anthem - Josef Rheinberger - Abendlied
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Choral Evensong
The Cathedral And Metropolitical Church Of Christ, Canterbury
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Choir of St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Preces - Phillip Radcliff - Service for Edington (1972)
Psalm - Thomas Attwood Walmisley - 148 O praise the Lord of Heaven
Magnificat - Harold W Friedell - Service in F
Nunc Dimittis - Harold W Friedell - Service in F
Responses - Phillip Radcliff - Service for Edington (1972)
Anthem - T Frederick H Candlyn - Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - George Thalben-Ball - Elegy in B flat
Introit - John Rutter - God be in my head
Offering - Ralph Vaughan Williams - O how amiable
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Largo from 'Sonata 5 in C Major'
Communion - Healey Willan - O how sweet, O Lord
Organ - Henry Mulet - Carillon-Sortie
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Fantasia in g minor
Introit - Christopher Tye - Give almes of thy goods
Offering - Maurice Green - Thou visitest the earth
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Allegro from 'Sonata 5 in C Major'
Communion - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - O Bone Jesu
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude in G Major
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Introit - John E West - Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings
Offering - Mac Wilbert - God of our fathers
Organ - John Knowles Payne - Prelude in D flat
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Third Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Henry G Ley - Adagio
Introit - Richard Farrant - Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Offering - Gerald H Knight - Now the God of peace
Organ - Flor Peeters - Aria
Communion - William H Harris - The Holy Eucharist
Organ - Gordon Jacob - Festal Flourish
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Second Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor - Andante cantabile from 'Symphonie IV'
Introit - Christopher Tye - Laudate Nomen Domini
Psalm - William Crotch - 86:1-10, 16-17 Bow down thine ear, O Lord
Offering - C H Kitson - Jesu, grant me this I pray
Organ - William H Harris - Prelude in G Major
Communion - Healey Willan - O Sacred Feast
Organ - Marcel Dupre - Gloria
Sunday, June 15, 2014
First Sunday after Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
Ordination of Priests
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude in E flat, BWV 552a
Psalm - Joseph Pring - 43 Give sentence with me O God
Offering - Noel Rawsthorne - Christ is our cornerstone
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Prelude on 'Now We Pray To The Holy Spirit'
Communion - Thomas Tallis - If ye love me
Organ - Henry Mulet - Carillon-Sortie
Sunday, June 15, 2014
First Sunday after Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Introit - Henry G Ley - A Prayer of King Henry VI
Psalm - Edward John Bayne - 8 O Lord our Governor
Offering - William Mathias - As truly as God is our Father
Communion - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Sanctus from 'Missa Quarta'
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Feast of Pentecost
Rite of Confirmation/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Introit - Everett Titcomb - I will not leave you comfortless
Psalm - Walter Parratt - 104:25-37 O Lord, how manifold are thy works
Offering - T Tertius Noble - Grieve not the Holy Spirit
Communion - Andrew Carter - Holy Spirit, truth divine
Organ - Louis Vierne - Carillon de Westminster
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Ascension Sunday
England Pilgrimage Anthem Concert
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire concert)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Charles Hubert Hastings Parry - I was glad
Herbert Howells - Magnificat, Westminster Service
Herbert Howells - Nunc Dimittis, Westminster Service
Harold Darke - Sanctus, Communion Service in a minor
Harold Darke - Beneductus, Communion Service in a minor
Harold Darke - Agnus Dei, Communion Service in a minor
Harold Darke - Gloria, Communion Service in a minor
Henry Mulet - Carillon-Sortie
T Frederick H Candlyn - Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Morten Lauridsen - Ubi Caritas
Charles Villiers Stanford - Lighten our darkness
Edward Elgar - Nimrod, Enigma Variations
Josef Rheinberger - Abendlied
Malcolm C Boyle - Thou, O God, art praised in Sion
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Ascension Sunday
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Olivier Messiaen - Serene Alleluias from 'L'Ascension'
Introit - Arthur Hutchings - God is gone up
Psalm - John Goss - 47 O clap your hands, all ye peoples
Offering - Philip Moore - The Song of Christ's Glory
Organ - Olivier Messiaen - Prayer of Christ from 'L'Ascension'
Communion - Everett Titcomb - Sing ye to the Lord
Organ - Olivier Messiaen - Outbursts of Joy from 'L'Ascension'
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - John Ireland - Elegiac Romance
Introit - Charles Wood - Oculi Omnium
Psalm - Henry Smart - 66:7-18 O praise our God ye people
Offering - T Frederick H Candlyn - Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Organ - John Ireland - Sursum Corda
Communion - Maurice Durufle - Ubi caritas
Organ - Jean-Baptiste Lully - Marche Royale
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St John's Senior Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Percy W Whitlock - Song 13 from 'Six Hymn Preludes'
Introit - Christopher Tye - Praise ye the Lord
Choristers' Anthem - Ludwig Lenel - Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep
Offering - Charles Villiers Stanford - O for a closer walk with God
Organ - Ralph Vaughan Williams - Prelude on 'Rhosymedre'
Communion - William Byrd - Ego sum panis vivus
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro assai vivace from 'Sonata I in f minor'
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Amy Szkody-Steve Bandelos Marriage
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'All Glory Be To God On High'
Organ - Georg Frederick Handel - Concerto 2 in G Major
Organ - Healey Willan - Prelude on 'St Columba'
Organ - Benedetto Marcello - Paraphrase on Psalm 19
Organ - Henry Mulet - Rosace from 'Esquisses Byzantines
Introit - Eric Whitacre - This Marriage
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Jesu, Joy Of Man's Desiring'
Organ - Richard Wagner - Bridal March from 'Lohengrin'
Psalm - Robert Philip Goodenough - 150 O praise God in his holiness
Offering - Morten Lauridsen - Ubi Caritas
Communion - Healey Willan - O Sacred Feast
Organ - Charles-Marie Widor - Toccata from 'Symphonie V'
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Alec Rowley - Andante religioso
Introit - John E West - Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings
Psalm - John Goss - 23 The Lord is my shepherd
Offering - Thomas Matthews - The Lord is my Shepherd
Organ - Healey Willan - Prelude on 'St Columba'
Communion - John Stainer - God so loved the world
Organ - Frank Bridge - Allegro con spirito
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Third Sunday of Easter
Festal Choral Evensong and Address for St. George's Day
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Introit - Adrian Batten - O sing joyfully
Preces - John Barnard - Service in A
Psalm - Robert Philip Goodenough - 150 O praise God in his holiness
Magnificat - Herbert Howells - Westminster Service
Nunc Dimittis - Herbert Howells - Westminster Service
Creed - monotoned
Responses - John Barnard - Service in A
Offering - Charles Hubert Hastings Parry - I was glad
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Third Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Frank Bridge - Adagio in E
Introit - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow - I sat down
Psalm - William Crotch - 116:1-3, 10-17 I am well pleased
Offering - William H Harris - Most glorious Lord of life
Organ - Harold W Friedell - Intermezzo
Communion - Thomas Hastings - O taste and see
Organ - Healey Willan - Finale Jubilate
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Second Sunday of Easter
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Alec Rowley - Benedictus
Introit - Adrian Batten - O sing joyfully
Psalm - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow - 16 Preserve me, O God
Offering - Charles Wood - This joyful Eastertide
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'The Holy Savior Is Arisen'
Communion - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - O Bone Jesu
Organ - Healey Willan - Prelude on 'O fili et filiae'
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Easter Day
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St. John's Cathedral Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Junior Choristers - Donald Fishel - Alleluia
Senior Choristers - Michael Dedford - Alleluia Christ is Risen
Psalm - George Thalben-Ball - 118:1-2, 14-24 O give thanks unto the Lord
Offering - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow - Sing ye to the Lord
Communion - Charles Wood - This joyful Eastertide
Communion - Peter Hurford - Magdalen, cease from sobs and sighs
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Easter Day
Easter Vigil/Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Offering - Felice Anerio - Angelus autem Domini
Communion - Everett Titcomb - Antiphon of Spring
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'The Holy Savior Is Arisen'
Friday, April 18, 2014
Good Friday
Seven Last Words of Christ
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Anthem - Frederick A G Ouseley - Is it nothing to you?
Anthem - John Bull - In the departure of the Lord
Anthem - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - O Crux Ave
Music - Jules Massenet - Melodie-Elegie from 'The Erynnies', Op 10
Music - Antonio Vivaldi - Largo from 'Concerto in d minor'
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'O World, I Now Must Leave Thee'
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Maundy Thursday
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Olivier Messiaen - Le Banquet Celeste
Introit - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow - Jesu, the very thought of thee
Offering - Maurice Durufle - Ubi caritas
Communion - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Adoramus Te, Christe
Psalm - Matthew Camidge - 22 My God my God look upon me
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Palm Sunday
Sunday of the Passion
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen'
Prelude - John Baptiste Faure - The Palms
Introit - Giovanni Biordi - Jerusalem
Offering - William Byrd - Bow thine ear, O Lord
Communion - G F Handel - Arioso
Communion - Felice Anerio - Christus factus est.mp3
Communion - Everett Titcomb - Hosanna to the Son of David
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Festal Choral Evensong
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Gainesville Florida
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'O Traurigkein, O Herzeleid'
Introit - William H Harris- Holy is the true light
Preces - Phillip Radcliff - Service for Edington (1972)
Psalm - Charles Villiers Stanford - 145 I will magnify thee, O God
Magnificat - George Dyson - Service in D
Nunc Dimittis - George Dyson - Service in D
Creed - monotoned
Responses - Phillip Radcliff - Service for Edington (1972)
Offering - Morten Lauridsen - O nata lux
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Prelude in c minor
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'O Traurigkein, O Herzeleid'
Introit - W H Anderson - Come, I pray thee
Offering - William Byrd - Miserere mei, Deus
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'O Sacred Head, Sore Wounded'
Communion - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Sicut Cervus
Organ - Charles Villiers Stanford - Postlude in g minor
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Third Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Gerald Near - Chorale Prelude on 'Adoro Devote'
Introit - Richard Farrant - Lord, for thy tender mercy's sake
Offering - Franz Joseph Haydn - Insanae et vanae curae
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Prelude on 'Keep Us, Lord'
Communion - Alan Viner - Here, O my Lord
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Prelude in c minor
Sunday, March 16, 2014
Second Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music (on vacation)
Brenda McNeiland, guest organist
Cathedral Choir
St John's Senior Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Prelude and Fugue in e minor
Introit - Thomas Mudd - Let thy merciful ears
Choristers' Anthem - Natalie Sleeth - Part of the plan
Offering - John Stainer - God so loved the world
Organ - Anton Arensky - Variations on a theme from Tchaikovsky
Choristers' Anthem - Edward Elgar - Ave verum corpus
Organ - William Lloyd Webber - Postlude
Sunday, March 9, 2014
First Sunday in Lent
Festal Choral Evensong for the First Sunday in Lent
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Prelude and Fugue on 'O Traurigkeit, O Herzeleid'
Introit - Malcolm Boyle - Daughters of Zion
Preces - Phillip Radcliff - Service for Edington (1972)
Psalm - Matthew Camidge - 130 Out of the deep
Magnificat - Harold W Friedell - Service in F
Nunc Dimittis - Harold W Friedell - Service in F
Creed - monotoned
Responses - Martin Neary - Preces and Responses
Offering - H Balfour Gardiner - Evening Hymn
Anthem - Josef Rheinberger - Abendlied
Anthem - Franz Joseph Haydn - Insanae et vane curae
Anthem - Piotr Ilyitch Tchaikovsky - The Legend
Anthem - Morten Lauridsen - O nata lux
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Fantasia in c minor
Sunday, March 9, 2014
First Sunday in Lent
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'O Man, Bewail Thy Grievous Sin', BWV 622
Introit - Richard Farrant - Hide not Thou Thy face
Offering - Johannes Brahms - Let nothing ever grieve thee
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Schmucke Dich from 'Eleven Chorale Preludes'
Communion - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - O crux ave
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'As Jesus Stood Beside The Cross', BWV 621
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday Liturgy
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Introit - Richard Farrant - Hide not Thou Thy face
Anthem - William Byrd - Miserere mei
Psalm - 51 Have mercy on me, O God
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Last Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro con brio from 'Sonata IV'
Introit - Henry Walford Davies - God be in my head
Psalm - Edgar Day - 99 The Lord is King
Offering - Herbert Howells - My eyes for beauty pine
Organ - Henry Mulet - Rosace, from 'Esquisses Byzantines'
Communion - Leo Sowerby - Eternal Light
Organ - Henry Mulet - Carillon-Sortie
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Introit - Adrian Batten - O sing joyfully
Psalm - John Jones - 119:33-40 Teach me, O Lord
Offering - Franz Joseph Haydn - The heavens are telling, from 'The Creation'
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro maestoso e vivace, from 'Sonata 4 in B flat'
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St John's Senior Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Henry Heron - Trumpet Voluntary
Introit - Henry Loosemore - O Lord, increase our faith
Choristers' Anthem - Giovanni Gastoldi - In Thee Is Gladness
Offering - Charles Wood - O Lord that seest from yon Starry Height
Organ - Louis Vierne - Communion
Choristers' Anthem - tune: Song 67 - My God, accept my heart this day
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Fugue in C
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Festal Choral Evensong
St. Paul's by-the-Sea Episcopal Church, Jacksonville Beach Florida
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Variations on 'How Brightly Shines The Morning Star'
Introit - William H Harris - Holy is the true light
Preces - John Barnard - Service in A
Psalm - ? Taylor - 112 Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord
Magnificat - Everett Titcomb - Evening Service
Nunc Dimittis - Everett Titcomb - Evening Service
Creed - monotoned
Responses - John Barnard - Service in A
Offering - Charles Villiers Stanford - Lighten our darkness
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro Maestoso et Vivace and Fugue, from 'Sonata II in c minor'
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Prelude and Fugue in G
Introit - Christopher Tye - Laudate Nomen Domini
Psalm - ? Taylor - 112 Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord
Offering - Felix Mendelssohn - How lovely are the messengers, from 'St Paul'
Organ - Henry Coleman - Interlude on 'Quam dilecta'
Communion - Edward Cuthbert Bairstow - I sat down under His shadow
Organ - Alfred Hollins - A Trumpet Minuet
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Frank Bridge - Adagio in E
Introit - Christopher Tye - Praise ye the Lord
Psalm - Charles Hubert Hastings Parry - 84 O how amiable are thy dwellings
Offering - Harold W Friedell - Nunc Dimittis, from 'Service in F'
Organ - K Lee Scott - Voluntary on 'Shades Mountain'
Communion - Healey Willan - O Sacred Feast
Organ - Healey Willan - Finale Jubilate
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Third Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Henry Walford Davies - A Solemn Melody
Introit - Henry Walford Davies - Blessed are the pure in heart
Psalm - Ivor Algernon Atkins - 27:1, 5-13 The Lord is my light and my salvation
Offering - Charles Villiers Stanford - Beati quorum via
Organ - Dale Wood - Chorale Prelude on 'Brother James' Air'
Communion - Ralph Vaughan Williams - O taste and see
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro Maestoso et Vivace and Fugue, from 'Sonata II in c minor'
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Second Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music
Cathedral Choir
St. John's Senior Choristers
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Introit - Frederick A Gore Ouseley - From the rising of the sun
Choristers' Anthem - tune: Chereponi - Jesu, Jesus
Offering - Georg Frederick Handel - Behold the Lamb of God, from 'Messiah'
Organ - Charles Hubert Hastings Parry - Chorale Prelude on 'Rockingham'
Choristers' Anthem - tune: Liebster Jesus - Blessed Jesus, at thy word
Organ - Herbert Murrill - Carillon
Sunday, January 12, 2014
First Sunday after the Epiphany
The Baptism of Christ
Holy Baptism/Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music (on vacation)
Brenda McNeiland, guest organist
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Prelude on 'When Jesus Went To Jordan's Stream'
Introit - Harold W Friedell - Saw you never in the twilight
Psalm - George Ratcliffe Woodward - 29 Bring unto the Lord O ye mighty gods
Offering - Charles Wood - The Lamb
Organ - John Ireland - The Holy Boy
Communion - Maurice Durufle - Ubi caritas
Organ - Benedetto Marcello - Paraphrase on Psalm 9
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Feast of the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music (on vacation)
Brenda McNeiland, guest organist
Cathedral Choir
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Introit - Everett Titcomb - We have seen his star
Psalm - Stephen Elvey - 72:1-7, 10-14 Give the King thy judgements, O God
Offering - Herbert Howells - Here is the little door
Communion - Charles Wood - Oculi omnium
Organ - Andre Campra - Rigaudon
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Jacksonville Florida
Solemn Nuptial Mass
Hayley Elizabeth Zeller and Timothy Scott Tuller
Shannon Gallier, Choirmaster, organ
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music, St. John's Cathedral
St. John's Cathedral Choir
Dr Cynthia Miller, cello
(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)
Prelude - Daniel Kelly - Pat-a-Pan
Prelude - Daniel Kelly - Coventry Carol
Prelude - Stanley Robert - Greensleeves
Organ - Sigfried Karg-Elert - Harmonies du Soir
Introit - Eric Whitacre - This Marriage
Psalm - Gerre Hancock - 23 The Lord is my shepherd
Offering - Morten Lauridsen - Ubi Caritas
Communion - Cesar Franck - Panis Angelicus
Communion - Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Sicut Cervus
Organ - Felix Mendelssohn - Allegro assai vivace, from 'Sonata 1 in f minor'
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