2016 Music Recording Archive from St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida

2015-01-04 - Epiphany - Holy Eucharist

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Sunday, January 4, 2015
Feast of the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist
Timothy Tuller, Canon for Music (on vacation)
Brenda McNeiland, guest organist
Cathedral Choir

(click here to open a new window with a detailed music list)
(click here to listen to a recording of the entire service)
(click one of the arrows below to listen to the program)

  1. Organ - Andre Campra - Rigaudon
  2. Introit - Everett Titcomb - We have seen his star
  3. Psalm - Stephen Elvey - 72:1-7, 10-14 Give the King thy judgements, O God
  4. Offering - Francis Poulenc - Videntes Stellam
  5. Organ - Samuel Barber - Chorale Prelude on 'Silent Night'
  6. Communion - Charles Wood - Oculi omnium
  7. Organ - Andre Campra - Rigaudon

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