A collection of Advent music from St. John's Cathedral, Jacksonville Florida
Last updated 2013-12-12
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Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (ornamented)
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles'
Organ - Johannes Brahms - Chorale Prelude on 'Behold A Rose Breaks Into Bloom'
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Advent Matins Responsory
G R Woodward - 'Twas in the year
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Wisdom; O Adonai'
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Be not wroth very sore, O Lord'
Michael Wise - Prepare ye the way of the Lord
Byron Adams - High o'er the lonely hills
Henry G Ley - A Choral Hymn for Advent
Orlando Gibbons - O Thou, the central orb
Robert Powell - Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel
Orlando Gibbons - This is the record of John
Basil Harwood - Magnficat from 'Service in A flat'
Philip Ledger - A spotless Rose
William H Harris - Strengthen ye the weak hands
Timothy Hone - Gabriel's message does away
John Joubert - There is no rose
Colin Mawby - Jesus Christ the Apple Tree
Edmund Rubbra - That virgin's child
Magnificat - Healey Willan - Service in B flat
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Root of Jesse; O Key of David'
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'We have sinnned and are as an unclean thing'
Edgar Pettman - The angel Gabriel from heaven came
Arthur Baynon - When rooks fly homeward
Johannes Brahms - The White Dove
Johannes Brahms - The Hunter
Johann Eccard - Mary's Salutation
John Brian McAnuff - This is the truth
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Dayspring; O King of the Nations'
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord'
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach, - Wachet auf
Jacob Praetorius - Wachet auf
Antiphons - plainsong - 'O Emmanuel; O Wisdom'
Antiphon and Prose - plainsong - 'Comfort ye, comfort ye my people'
Arvo Part - O Weisheit
Healey Willan - Lo in the time appointed
Benjamin Britten - A Hymn To The Virgin
John Tavener - A Hymn to the Mother of God
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina - Alma Redemptoris
Anton Bruckner - Ave Maria
Philip Ledger - Advent Calendar
Anton Bruckner - Virga Jesse
David Ashley White - The Apple Tree
Barry Ferguson - People look East
Paul Manz - E'en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come
Charles Wood - The Lamb
K Lee Scott - The wilderness will rejoice
Organ - Paul Manz - Chorale Prelude on 'Comfort, Comfort Ye My People'
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Come Now, Savior Of The Gentiles' (Organo Pleno)
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Sleepers, Wake!'
Organ - Johann Sebastian Bach - Chorale Prelude on 'Once He Came In Blessing', BWV 724
Organ - Paul Manz - Prelude on 'Sleepers, Wake!', antiphonally
Organ - Kenneth Walton - Chorale Prelude on 'Veni, Veni Emmanuel'
Organ - Kenneth Walton - Chorale Prelude on 'St Thomas'
Organ - Dietrich Buxtehude - Magnificat noni toni
Organ - Gerald Near - Chorale Prelude on 'Puer Nobis Nascitur'
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