St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Rev. Barnum McCarty, Interim Dean 
The Rev. Dr. Robert Ray Parks, former Dean, St. John's Cathedral, homilist
John Barry, Organist/Choirmaster 
Wednesday, December 6, 2000 - Hymnal 1982

11:00am - Burial of the Dead
(Olga Miller Jamieson)
Cathedral Choir
Hymn tune: Lauda Anima #410 "Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven"
Psalm chant: Thomas Attwood Walmisley
#23 "The Lord is my shepherd"
Hymn tune: Easter Hymn #207 "Jesus Christ is risen today"
Communion Henry Walford Davies
Blessed are the pure in heart
Communion John E West
Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings
(CT Wagner C-067011)
Communion tune: New Britain #671 "Amazing grace!"
Communion tune: Picardy #324 "Let all mortal flesh keep silence"
Hymn tune: Sine Nomine #287 "For all the saints" 

An excerpt of the obiturary for Mrs. Jamieson (

Mrs. Olga Miller Jamieson died December 2, 2000 in a local hospital. She was born on April 16, 1906 in Detroit, Michigan to Frank M. &  Martha Bahnke Miller, and was married to Lloyd Raymond Jamieson who died January, 16, 1956. Mrs. Jamieson graduated from business school in Danville, Illinois and began her working career as a salesperson for a typewriter company and although born with only one hand, she gained widespread recognition for her remarkable ability as a typist. Mrs. Jamieson moved to Florida in 1935 and worked for District 6 of the Florida State Welfare Board until she resigned in 1942 to become the parish secretary of St. Johns Episcopal Church in Jacksonville and the Reverend Doctor Newton Middleton, Rector. St. Johns became the Cathedral Church of the Episcopal Diocese of Florida in 1951 and she served as a parish/cathedral secretary until her retirement in 1973. During her 30 years as a parish/cathedral secretary she served under 2 Bishops, 5 Deans and 28 other Clergy. She was highly esteemed by the Clergy and countless others, On Sunday, May 28, 1973 a special reception honoring her upon her retirement was held in the Cathedrals Taliferro Memorial Building attended by many friends and admirers. In her retirement she lived in Cathedral Towers, a Retirement Home sponsored by St. Johns Cathedral. She worked as admissions clerk from 1973 until 1983 at the Towers. On retirements from the Towers, she had completed a total of 40 years of service to St. Johns Cathedral, a remarkable record of service by a remarkable lady.

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