St. Mark's Episcopal Church - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Rev. R Leigh Spruill, Rector
Nancy G Reiser, Organist/Choirmaster
The Choir of St. John's Cathedral
The Very Rev. Edward H Harrison, Jr., Dean of Florida
John Barry, Organist/Choirmaster 
Sunday, March 17, 2002 - Hymnal 1982 
Fifth Sunday in Lent

4:00pm - Festal Choral Evensong for the Fifth Sunday in Lent
Combined Choirs of St. Mark's Episcopal Church and St. John's Cathedral
Introit John E West
Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings
(CT Wagner C-067011)
Hymn tune: Cross Of Jesus #160 "Cross of Jesus, cross of sorrow"
Preces Thomas Ebdon
Preces and Responses in a minor
(Cathedral Music)
Psalm chant: Joseph Pring
#43 "Give Sentence with me O God"
Canticle T Tertius Noble
Excerpt from "Morning and Evening Service in a minor"
1) Magnificat
(Banks and Son York Series 489)
Canticle T Tertius Noble Excerpt from "Morning and Evening Service in a minor"
1) Nunc Dimittis
(Banks and Son York Series 489)
Lord's Prayer monotoned  
Anthem Maurice Durufle
Ubi caritas
(Theodore Presser 312-41243)
Anthem Gabriel Fauré
Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11
(Broude Brothers)
Anthem Harold W Friedell
Jesus so lowly
(HW Gray GCMR 2018)
Hymn tune: St. Clement #24 "The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended"
Postlude Charles Villiers Stanford
Intermezzo upon an Irish Air

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