St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Very Rev. Edward H Harrison, Jr., Dean of Florida
John Barry, Organist/Choirmaster
Sunday, September 14, 2003 - Hymnal 1982 
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude David A Schack Chorale Prelude on "Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now"
Prelude Johann Sebastian Bach
Chorale Prelude on "Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now"
Introit Henry Walford Davies
God be in my head
Hymn tune: Lauda Anima #410 "Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven"
Trisagion David Hurd
(b 1950)
Psalm Tone VIII.1 #116:1-8 "I love the Lord"
Deborah Baker, lay cantor
Hymn tune: Crucifer #473 "Lift high the cross"
Offering Thomas Matthews The Lord is my Shepherd
Sanctus David Hurd #S124
Acclamation adapted Bruce E Ford
(b 1947)
Fraction adapted Mason Martens
(b 1933)
Communion Maurice Durufle
Ubi caritas
(Theodore Presser 312-41243)
Communion tune: Royal Oak #405 "All things bright and beautiful"
Communion tune: Grand Isle #293 "I sing a song of the saints of God"
Hymn tune: King's Weston #435 "At the Name of Jesus"
Postlude David N Johnson
Trumpet Tune in D Major

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