St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Very Rev. Edward H Harrison, Jr., Dean of Florida
The Rev. Don Warner, Interim Organist/Choirmaster
Sunday, December 24, 2006 - Hymnal 1982 
Fourth Sunday in Advent

10:30am - Holy Eucharist
Cathedral Choir
Prelude Alec Wyton Prelude on "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel"
Prelude Franz Schubert
Ave Maria
Dr. Cynthia Miller, cello
Antiphon plainsong "O Emmanuel, our King and Lawgiver"
Antiphon plainsong "O Wisdom, which hast come out of the mouth of the Most High"
Hymn tune: Veni, Veni Emmanuel #56 "O come, O come, Emmanuel (vv. 1-4)
Kyrie The Rev. Don Warner Excerpt from "Mass for Penitential Seasons"
1) Kyrie
Psalm simplified Anglican chant #80:1-7 "Hear, O Shepherd of Israel"
Hymn tune: Gabriel's Message #265 "The Angel Gabriel from heaven came"
Offering Charles Villiers Stanford
Excerpt from "Service in C Major" (Op 115)
1) Magnificat
(Stainer & Bell CS11)
Sanctus The Rev. Don Warner Excerpt from "Mass for Penitential Seasons"
1) Sanctus
Acclamation adapted Bruce E Ford
(b 1947)
Fraction adapted Mason Martens
(b 1933)
Communion Johann Sebastian Bach
Ave Maria
(arr Charles Gounod)
Dr. Cynthia Miller, cello
Communion John Carol Case The Angel's Carol (1993) 
Sarah Sasen, soprano
(Banks Music Publications ECS 296)
Communion Charles Villiers Stanford Excerpt from "Service in C Major" (Op 115)
1) Nunc Dimittis
(Stainer & Bell CS11)
Communion tune: Stuttgart #66 "Come, thou long-expected Jesus"
Hymn tune: Veni, Veni Emmanuel #56 "O come, O come, Emmanuel (vv. 5-8)
Postlude Bernardo Pasquini Partite for trumpet stops

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