St. John's Cathedral - Jacksonville Florida
The Episcopal Church in the United States of America
The Very Rev. Gustave Weltsek, Dean
The Rev. Canon Dena Bearl, Co-Officiant
The Rev. Canon Bernard Dooly, Co-Officiant
John Barry, Organist/Choirmaster (on vacation and continuing education) 
Richard Fair, assistant director 
James Cripps, Organist, First United Methodist Church, Jacksonville
Saturday, August 21, 1999 - Hymnal 1982

6:00pm - Celebration And Blessing Of A Marriage
(Marlo Corey and Patrick Hunt)
Cathedral Choir
Prelude Johann Pachelbel
Canon in D
Prelude Georg Frederick Handel
Arioso-Thanks be to Thee
Prelude Dudley Peale Wedding Bells
Prelude Johann Sebastian Bach
O love that casts out fear
Susan Pelter, soprano
Introit John E West
Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings
(CT Wagner C-067011)
Procession Ludwig von Beethoven
Excerpt from Symphony #9
1) Choral from 4th movement
Procession John Stanley
Trumpet Voluntary in D Major
Psalm chant: Thomas Attwood Walmisley
#23 "The Lord is my shepherd"
Offering Johann Sebastian Bach Excerpt from "Cantata 147"
1) Jesu, Joy of man's desiring
(HW Gray GCMR 1238)
Sanctus David Hurd #S124
Communion Healey Willan
O Sacred Feast
(HW Gray GCMR 715)
Communion Johann Sebastian Bach,
arr Virgil Fox
Excerpt from Cantata 79
1) Now Thank We All Our God
Postlude Georg Frederick Handel Excerpt from "Messiah" 
1) Hallelujah
(arrangement for organ)

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